Buccal fat is the fat that is located between your cheekbones and jawbones and forms the shape of your face.
As we age, the underlying bone and soft tissue structures, along with skin laxity, also lose volume, causing the ...
Jaw surgery, or genioplasty, is more commonly known as the repositioning of the jaw.
Neck liposuction is the process of removing excess superficial or deep fat at the cervico-chin angle.
Blepharoplasty (BLEF-uh-roe-plas-tee) is a type of surgery that allows the removal of excess skin on the eyelids ...
A face lift is a cosmetic surgical operation performed to create a younger appearance on the face.
Lower rhytidectomy, popularly known as Deceleration, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to provide ...
Rhinoplasty is an operation that changes the shape of the nose. The motivation for rhinoplasty can be ...
Eyebrow lift is a cosmetic procedure performed to lift the eyebrows. With the eyebrow lifting process ...
Ptosis surgery is an operation that lifts the upper eyelid and tightens the muscle. As you get older, the levator ...
Lip lift is a frequently preferred application for people who want to add height to their lips instead ...
Fat injection is one of the most frequently used applications with extremely extensive areas of use.
Otoplasti, kulakların şeklini, konumunu veya boyutunu değiştirmek için yapılan bir işlemdir.