Thigh lift surgery is an invasive surgery that allows the removal of excess skin and fat in the thigh area. Perhaps the most common reason for a thigh lift is the reshaping of the thigh area after losing weight.
Internal (medial) thigh lift: Medial thigh lift is the most common form of this cosmetic surgery. It is applied to the sagging skin on the inner thighs through an incision from the groin towards the knee or towards the back of the thigh area.
Mini thigh lift: This surgery requires fewer incisions than other types of thigh lift and is a procedure performed only on the groin area.
External (bilateral) thigh lift: The external thigh lift treats the outer parts of your thighs. In this surgery, it is performed with an incision procedure that starts from the groin area and then extends to the hip and lower back area.
Vertical thigh lift: vertical thigh lift is preferred to remove excess skin excess in all areas of the thighs.
In some cases, the thigh area may have poor skin elasticity. Liposuction may be recommended in addition to thigh lift surgery to help remove excess fat cells and prevent sagging skin.