Hair transplant surgery is performed to regrow hair on bald or thinning areas of the scalp. There are more than one type of hair transplant surgery. The most common of these is the FLEP Method. Each of these types of surgery can be used alone or in combination to provide the patient with the best possible result for hair replacement.
Grafts or small pieces of skin are taken from areas of the body that contain healthy hair. These grafts are transferred to the balding parts of the scalp. After the transplanted skin heals, hair will continue to grow.
Hair transplantation is suitable for people with permanent baldness of the type that runs in families. It is not suitable for people with other types of hair loss, such as the type that usually causes bald patches.
The main methods of performing hair transplant surgery are as follows:
Scalp reduction,
Flap surgery,
Tissue expansion.
Bleeding and some scars
Patchy hair growth that can usually be corrected